
Shelves to house a 40 year record collection


Shelves supporting a loft bed.

These shelves open like a french door to hide a laundry room.

These shelves close up to hide a laundry room.

Shelves with a matching fish tank. 

Two walls of shelves.

I demo'ed the old bath and built the walls with pocket doors and buillt the base cabinets and shelves.

The shelves are 2 inch thick white oak. I glued them up to 14 inches wide and 14 ft long. I built the library ladder and had the tubes fabricated.

Shelves to frame a doorway.

A wall of shelves.

Shelves surrounding a bay window with the doors closed.

Shelves surrounding a Bay window with the doors open

Built to match existing kitchen.

Trash bins. 

Red oak plywood and paneling.

I covered the old bricks on the fireplace and installed the tile. I set the shelves on stanchions and angled the base cabinets to keep the small room feeling more open.

I built the shelves on stanchions to keep a more open feel in a small room.

A small shelf for a sewing room.

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